Sunday, 13 August 2017

I'm defo innocent

it's come to me notice that some cunts think i'm a troll just because i'm a troll.

 this is clearly ridiculous because i've invented loads of facts to prove that this Rickie bloke wot keeps making a nuisance of himself isn't me at all.

if anyone doubts this then they just have to go look at a blog called the ranting penguin wot i took over just to prove that i'm not a troll and don't make a nuisance of meself. it's all there in black and white for everyone to see

and did i mention that i'm completely innocent?

well, i am so there!


  1. The Rickiebaiter13 August 2017 at 22:39

    Your style is so churlish, so childish. You seek to shock and you fail. You seek to spoil and you don't. Is there anything in your miserable little life that you have succeeded in ? I think not.
    Anyway, while I'm here I shall have the pleasure of addressing the infamous Rickie Doubleday troll of no fame in particular.

  2. This blog site is one of the most entertaining I have ever visited. Congratulations on a superb bit of work.

    1. Fanks. I do me best cos its important to protect innocent victims who definitely ain't me from cunts like that dioclese bloke who pulled the name of an innocent family out of the fone book

      Cunt init

  3. The Dead Cat Society.14 August 2017 at 18:36

    I like to ride my Bicycle,I like to ride my bike..

  4. Of course, of course you're innocent Richard. I don't believe for one moment that you are Richard Doubleday. There....does that make you feel better Richard?....By the way Mr D. Do you still need me to cut your grass next Tuesday? It looks very long.

    1. Rickie Doubleday16 August 2017 at 12:06

      Cyclist that is very kind of you but Im short of cash just now. Can Barbara and me pay by cheque?

    2. That is fine Richard. No problem. Would that be in your name or Barbara's?

    3. Richard Doubleday16 August 2017 at 12:12

      Thanks mate. I'll do it in the name of

  5. A cyclist by any other name25 August 2017 at 18:59

    You posted on Penguin in your real world name at long last. I did not respond there as I guessed that is what you wanted. I know you look in here occasionally, so that is why Im posting. I am still around. You and I have some business to conclude! Cheers for now Richard. Enjoy your weekend.


Stuff your comments. Fuck off