Sunday, 24 September 2017

The Master cometh

The time of the master approaches. The master commands the mighty Alfie Troll Army.

A new order will be forged. The decadent system will be swept away through fire and blood. The new order is in the hands of the Master. Only he sees all and he will gaze upon the land.

As you gaze up at the Master, only then will you truly understand

Only through the Master can we find true enlightenment.

So fuck off to the Master you stupid troll cunts and leave me alone.
I'm not the troll writing this shit! I'm totally innocent!


  1. Beryl Cockaday.
    Maureen Tamworth
    Pamela Hopkiss.

    Ring any bells Rickie.

    Regards, your forever forensic friend

    1. Wow. That is so witty that I really wish I'd thought of it.

      I want to be a troll. They are so much cleverer than me.
      But I can't because I'm innocent!


Stuff your comments. Fuck off